The blog about the ongoing influence of Andy Warhol's philosophy in the 21 st century. From art to instant fame, sex, beauty, celebrity gossip obsession, business or fitness why we live in a Warholian world more than ever.
Le communautarisme juif s'est mis depuis longtemps au dessus de toute critique en parlant d'antisémitisme face à une critique dérangeante. Pendant ce temps le communautarisme musulman croissant prenait bonne note de cela. Résultat; il y a désormais le concept d'Islamosphobie utilisée aux mêmes fins....
«It's strange the way having money isn't much. You take three people to a restaurant and you pay three hundred dollars. Okay. Then you take those same three people to a corner shop-shoppe and get everything there. You got just as filled at the corner shoppe as at the grand restaurant-more, actually and it cost you only fifteen or twenty dollars and you had basically the same food».
How can someone be turned on by gay porn is for me, absolutely and totally impossible to understand...
Why taking chances for the afterlife? I believe in Jupiter, Athena, Jesus, Moïses, Apollon, Zeus, Priape, Isis & Osiris, Bacchus, Mercure & Bouddha all at once.
I always try to find something more disturbing and annoying than a dumb old gay man. I just can't find it...
Fascinant de voir à quel point tout le discours ambiant sur le métissage et le multiculturalisme passe complètement à côté de l'essentiel. L'avenir ce n'est pas le multiculturalisme. C'est la Chine comme première puissance mondiale avec comme sous texte l'affirmation et la revanche contre les humiliations passées du groupe des chinois ethnique Han. Ce groupe fortement majoritaire.... à plus d'un milliard d'individus.
A 60 year old lonely and childless white gay man having still his Peter Pan complex and nothing to give back to society intellectually. A 30 year old muslim woman with 4 kids and a religious view of the word explaining the past and thousands of years to come. Who do you think will win..... ?
«What most persons consider as virtue, after the age of 40 is simply a loss of energy.»
I guess in the future religion and the money obsession will merge even more. So there will be a lot of interesting things to watch. A business sponsored new religion will have some guy receiving the revelation on top of the Chrysler building. But the most likely thing to happen is the apparition of a brand new cast system. So some preacher will be able to say: «Die with 500 billions and go to heaven! Die with 500 millions and less and be reincarnated as a cow, 100 millions and less be reincarnated as a fly and so on...That will be great american marketing.
«Everything is beautitful» -Andy Warhol
«People say I use my billboard technique to make art. Baloney! I used my art technique to paint billboards.»
«He was very, very funny, very witty, but it took a long time before you got him talking».
Aucune discussion sur le monde des religions actuelles ne saurait être pertinente si l'on ne rappelle que personne aujourd'hui ne prie Zeus, Mercure, Jupiter ou encore Isis & Osiris...
Men don't want 50 year old with Botox. They want 20 year old without.
«They shared their background in Catholicism their sense of replacing biological families with an art circle that became a family. They shared the commercial side, meaning how do you create as much as possible».
Lire tous les grand philosophes pour finalement se rendre compte que la phrase la plus pertinente
Not everything is relative: Rich is better than poor, beautiful better than ugly, smart better than stupid....
«It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating»
He refutes the notion that money and record-breaking prices at auction have supplanted creativity as their motivation. "In Damien's case, his work is about money. But if the money stopped tomorrow, he'd be perfectly happy. He's down there in Devon right now looking after the kids, painting on his own in the studio, and he'd settle for that."The diamond skull was about making something that was worth £50 million, he didn't want the £50 million. The work has often been about the phenomena of money. In his case it's a valid reason to be painting. He's not greedy or avaricious, he's generous to other people. If it stopped tomorrow, he would have made his point. Damien's unique.
«One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.»
Le fait que tout soit désormais permis en art est ce qui contribue le plus à la difficulté croissante d'une oeuvre actuelle à s'inscrire dans l'histoire de l'art. Le droit à la différence est devenu le droit à l'indifférence.
«It's exactly the same story with news about people, especially famous people. There's always a little bit of sad story: the hard, brutal struggle to the top. There's a tiny bit about hopes for the future, where the celebrity talks about the wonderful things they're going to try to do next. But the real news, the big thing, whether it's in the magazines or the newspapers or on TV is the NOW: what they're doing right now, where they live right now , who they love right now. And as soon as their now gets summed up we move immediately on to another person...and another now».
AW: Can he bark some more?
«In 1969 I was one of the founding partners of Interview magazine, with twenty-five percent interest. I maintained my stake until 1986, when I traded it with Andy for a group of paintings. In 1971, I published Andy‘s Electric Chairs portfolio, which was printed in Zurich. I was also the producer of L‘Amour, a Warhol movie which was shot mostly in Paris in 1970, though it was not edited and screened until 1972.»
Bill Gates still the richest man in the world with 72 billion.
Dans le monde de la gauche caviar n'existe que l'exclusion. Le concept d'auto-exclusion est tabou.
More than 302 000 persons visited the Keith Haring exhibition at the Musée d'Art moderne de la Ville de Paris.
«Some people think it's easier for beauties, but actually it can work out a lot of different ways. If you're beautiful you might have a pea-brain. If you're not beautiful you might not have a pea-brain, so it depends on the pea-brain and the beauty. The size of the beauty. And the pea-brain.»
“What we need is hatred. From it our ideas are born. ”
Andy Warhol, as one might expect, was no ordinary magazine publisher. He purportedly founded the iconic title Interview merely in order to justify his application for a press pass to give him free access to the New York Film Festival.
«Will the joker go free to practice the art of crime and make a crime of art? Find out tomorrow!»
Walked on the street yesterday and some guy was doing advertising for his club. And he was saying things like: « This is Disneyland for your hands». Gee, that's a great line.
(Commenting on the the idea that Rape is a crime of violence and not of sex and that no always mean no)
“What the public wants is the image of passion, not passion itself.”
«A relationship is a relationship that has to be earned. Not to be compromised for»
«I think what is called inspiration, it comes really from regular work»
Si la popularité des oeuvres d'Andy Warhol sur le marché de l'art ne se dément pas il en va de même pour ce qui entoure sa vision des choses. La raison en est bien simple: toute sa vie il n'a jamais perdu de vue les grandes questions essentielles et les seules qui comptent vraiment: l'art, le temps qui passe, la célébrité, l'argent, le sexe, l'amour, la beauté, la mort. Ce sont là assurément les éléments les plus reconnaissables chez les artistes qui ont traversé avec succès l'épreuve du temps et pour Warhol la majorité d'entre eux furent pratiquement des obsessions.
271- Que faut-il pour faire une bonne communion?
Combien de personnes mesurent vraiment l'ampleur de ce qui suit: la prochaine puissance mondiale n'aura aucun lien historique avec une des trois religions monothéistes et Jérusalem...
Reading is better than sex but sex is better than watching a movie...
“You get used to being with models and with people who live off their good looks. Then you're around all these athletes and you start thinking that they do the same thing, when they're actually out there because they're doing a good job, and when they stop doing a good job they're washed up even if they still look great”.
Quand, comme à notre époque la première manière de juger de la valeur d'une oeuvre d'art est sa monumentalité, on a de sérieux problèmes. Imagine-t-on à quel point tout cela aura l'air ridicule d'ici 20 ou 30 ans?
Every muscle guy is either into dominating you or being dominated...
The last Villa of Picasso on sale for 220 millions.
Over the first six months of 2013, the U.S. art market generated some of the best auction results in its history, primarily through Post-War & Contemporary art sales. New York stands out as the absolute capital of the global high-end art market. Between 2007 and 2013, the world’s seven best-ever auction results in Contemporary art were all recorded in New York, and, not surprisingly, at Christie’s and Sotheby’s. The two firms’ May sales are generally the most record-breaking events of the year (accounting for 5 of the 7 best results) despite the high quality of their November sessions. Between 2007 and 2012, the best sales turnover figures ranged from $294 million to €363 million; but on 15 May 2013, Christie’s buried the previous record by more than $130 million with a turnover figure of $495 million.
«Pop is suffering from the same malady as the art world, which is stuck on the tired old rubric that shock automatically confers value.»
S'inspirant du judaïsme qui est à la fois religieux et ethnique, l'islam progresse aujourd'hui en faisant (via le politique) d'une croyance religieuse l'équivalent d'une nouvelle notion identitaire ethnique aux contours plus ou moins diffus. Comme le disait le coupable des attentats de Boston: vous attaquez un de nous, c'est nous tous que vous attaquez...
“All little girls should be told they are pretty, even if they aren't.”
(In conversation with Max Ernst and Dorothea Tanning)
Les frictions croissantes entre le monde Occidental et l'Islam relèvent en grande partie de l'interprétation radicalement différente qui est faite du mot culture. L'Occident a remplacé la religion par la culture. Pour l'Islam la religion est la culture. D'un côté on nous dit qu'il faut avoir vu tel out tel film , lu tel ou tel livre. De l'autre des gens qui disent : l'islam suffit...
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