The blog about the ongoing influence of Andy Warhol's philosophy in the 21 st century. From art to instant fame, sex, beauty, celebrity gossip obsession, business or fitness why we live in a Warholian world more than ever.
Après avoir vu la très belle exposition Tom Wesselmann à Montréal on ne peut que s'étonner qu'il ait fallu autant de temps pour donner à cet artiste une retrospective majeure nord-américaine aussi bien méritée. Comme on ne peut que constater à quel point, comme tous les véritables artistes, il était foncièrement un bourreau de travail. Il y a aujourd'hui les boîtes Brillo et les soupes Campbell De Warhol. Puis les combine paintings de Rauschenberg et les drapeaux et cibles de Jasper Johns. Wesselmann quant à lui, a légué à la grande histoire de l'art ses Still Lifes. Toutes aussi superbes les une que les autres. Comme si tout à coup les expérimentations et recherches formalistes d'un Rauschenberg, et les couleurs vives et juxtapositions surprenantes d'un Rosenquist se mélangeaient à merveille. Le tout dans une sorte de Pop Art rappelant souvent le célébre collage de Richard Hamilton par l'esprit et l'élan. Et manifestement à voir la liste des collectionneurs de ces Still Lifes, Joseph Mugrabi n'a pas eu du flair que pour ses quelques 800 Warhol....
«The limp watches are also a prefiguration of Christ, because they resemble the soft cheese that obsessed me, and Dali has discovered that the body of Jesus is the same as cheese. This is no only Dali: the first man who talked about this was Saint Augustine, who once compared the body of Christ to mountains of cheese»
«Andy had always liked drawing; that was why he went to art school. It was his line that was special. He was very aware that what he had was a talent. Above all, he like making art hat was profitable. He wasn't removed from his art in the nihilistic way that is often ascribed to him.
«There was a party at the Statue of Liberty but I've already read publicity of me going to it so I felt it was done already.
Quiconque n'a jamais mis les pieds dans un magasin à un dollar ne peut pas comprendre cette évidence. Ce n'est pas la pauvreté qui est insupportable. Ce sont les pauvres.
«J'ai fait de plus loin que moi un voyage abracadabrant
«I was sent to the Phillipines for six months and I met Imelda Marcos which was awful. I dressed her up as I was doing fittings, but they were ugly, terrible clothes, so I was dressing up very badly»
«I think it would be terrific if everybody was alike»
«I think gay people have different eyes. I see beauty in everything, be it a man's body or a woman's body. Or even a McDonald's....When I showed Andy my photographs, he said they were beautiful. I learned he said that about everything.. But there was a trickle -down effect at Interview: Andy wanted everything in the magazine to be beautiful and that was conveyed by Marc Balet to me. That philosophy has really affected my work. I still want everything to look beautiful, even if it's wild»
I watched Giant on TV from 1:00 to 5:30. It's so long. I even went to church in between and when I came back it was still on. James Dean's acting when he gets old is the worst thing. But they did a good thing -when he's drunk and talking into the microphones it's like a rock star, he's on top of the microphone and it's just noises coming out and it's so abstract.
L'art Pop dans les années 1960 se faisait éclatant, jusque dans la série télévisée Batman. Les célèbres Pow, Wham ou Boum des scénes de combats contre les vilains trouvèrent d'ailleurs un écho fort intéressant lorsque en 1966 Roy Lichtenstein fut invité à réaliser la couverture de Batman pour le TV Guide de l'époque.
«He was an outsider, and as such, the perfect fan, a stargazer who sat in the darkness of gilded 1940's movie palaces spellbound by the American dream. And like the newly-minted Hollywood moguls who spun gold from celluloid illusions, Warhol did more than buy the dream; he became it.»
«At this moment when you catch me with the tape recorder I like it very much: this is very good. But the most fantasically happy day in my life was when two photographers form Paris Match came to see me in London. They want one complete day of Dali, every detail. Even while I eat in a restaurant they take the pictures. I lift a little piece of camembert and «pop» with the camera. Every single moment is absolutely extraordinary...My life is like millions of people watching me on television, every moment, every second. This is the most divine thing».
«Sometimes when I think about Andy, I think he's just like Satan. He just gets you, and you can't get away. I used to go everywhere by myself. Now I can't seem to go anywhere or made the simplest decision without Andy. He has such a hold on us all»
The Boho Dance, in which the artist shows his stuff within the circles, coteries, movements, isms, of the home neighborhood
«I take a plane to Milano. It is full of French businessmen. I don't think i'll ever get used to these people. They (businessmen)
«Andy gave Glenn a big thrill when he asked him to pose for the cover of the Rolling Stones' new album Sticky Fingers. It was a crotch shot of a guy in jeans, with a zipper that unzipped to reveal another crotch shot of a guy in Jockey shorts. Glenn wasn't the only one Andy photographed for this project. He also shot Jed's brother, Jay and his best friend Cory Tippin, who did the makeup for L'Amour. When the album came out, Glenn was certain it was he on the inside and Jay Johnson on the outside, but Andy would never say exactly whose crotch he had immortalized»
Monet: goyim
Intéressant de constater comment les albums de musique considérés comme étant les plus importants musicalement ont très souvent aussi eu des pochettes réalisées par des artistes importants du monde des arts visuels. Bien sur on pense à Peter Blake pour le plus célèbre album des Beatles, mais il y en a quantités d'autres. Richard Hamilton pour le White Album du même groupe, Warhol pour Sticky Fingers des Rolling Stones, etc...
«I'm sure for him it's different since he's a walking sex object. I'm really confused. I think I want to to be independant sometimes, but if he would call me and say he is leaving for good and really do it, I think I would freak out. I've never been good at this. I've never really understood love or had a relationship that went smoothly. I always seem to seek rejection and the more I'm loved, the more I don't want to accept it because I want to be hurt. I like to pity myself or something»
«They may not be gay, but they're always sexually on»
«My experience is that gay men's idea of marriage or any kind of relationship
«Chez Pasolini, l'extase religieuse est intimement liée à l'extase sexuelle et quad je pense aux films de Visconti,
«Pop Art absolutely rejuvenated the New York art scene. It did for the galleries, the collectors,
«I suppose you're going to call me a shoe designer. I'm not (he shrieks) I'm the best, the best,
«There's a line that you cross between sexy and slutty , and that's a line that I'm not down with.
Avant on disait qu'il ne fallait pas que les pauvres voient comment vivent les plutocrates sinon le danger
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