The blog about the ongoing influence of Andy Warhol's philosophy in the 21 st century. From art to instant fame, sex, beauty, celebrity gossip obsession, business or fitness why we live in a Warholian world more than ever.
19yo friends flex
«In a celebrity fixated society which often equates style with substance, Warhol's canny exploitation of fame and image are particularly resonant. He understood celebrity and branding. He came from a commercial world and made it part of his art.That is why he is so relevant».
«But I was still amazed at all those servile TV reviewers who raved about the recent four- hour Ken Burns PBS documentary about Andy Warhol. What a tedious pretentious program -with its funeral music and preening jargon-spouting talking heads. Show like this that do incalculable damage to the reputation of the fine arts in the US. Warhol who came from working class Pittsburgh spoke directly to the mass audience with his Campbell soup cans and Brillo Box».
Lew Wasseman the last Hollywood mogul used to say «Dress British Think Yiddish». On the other hand Andy Warhol always marvelled at how some people in New York City were acting gay during the day and then go back to their wifes at night. In the 21 st century these two rules have now merged à la Robin Williams: Act gay gentile, think jewish.
«When reporters asked the Pope what he liked best about New York he replied, «Tutti Buoni-everything is good. That's my philosophy exactly» .
Last week a portrait of Andy Warhol by american photographer Robert Mapplethorpe was sold for $643 000 at the auction house Christie's. It is a new record for a Mapplethorpe picture.
«Andy Warhol is the only genius with an IQ of 60».
«I always thought cowboys loooked like hustlers. That's nice. Cowboys and hustlers are quiet. They don't know many words».
Remember when Elton John and the Pet Shop Boys had to defend Eminem from GLADD? Well it seems a lot happened since then. Namely more and more gay rapper boys and girls taking their place within the larger hip hop community. To get the pulse of that growing scene I asked some questions to the guys involved in the documentary film Pick Up The Mic. From the state of gay hip hop today, gay men's love -hate relationship with the genre to the future of gay Hip Hop porn...
«Muscles are great. Everyone should have at least one they can show off».
Commenting on Google buying YOU TUBE Andrew Leonard noted today on the webzine Salon: «The Global conversation will be GoogTubed».
«Saw the Christian Dior show and the Valentino show. With the male models, all the really straight -looking models are gay and all the really gay-looking models are straight".
«The year 1969 began with a flurry of ideas. What about a television show, Andy suggested called «Nothing Special» consisting of six hours of people walking past a hidden camera. Or a film called Orgy a large cast version of Blue Movie which would be shot on a jouney around the world? »
We often forgot that when Andy Warhol made his famous prediction in 1968 he actually predicted that in the future everybody would be WORLD FAMOUS for fifteen minutes. Today this prediction has become reality with the like of YOU TUBE or Google video. Flexing their muscles for the camera, proposing their new songs, or showing their acting talent to the worlds, kids from the YOU TUBE generation are an Andy Warhol's dream come true.
«Let's say you have an OK face, a great body, medium money and no power or prestige. That means you should go after other people who also have two mediums, a terrific and a nothing. It's not supposed to matter which categories the different things fall in as long as it's two mediums, one terrific, one nothing. You could get a husband with a medium body, medium money a terrific face and no prestige or one with a medium face, medium power a zero body and lots of money -whatever you're interested in, as long as the person's in the same love league. And it should work out OK».
Sure Andy warhol was obsessed by beauty. But even though he once said that if everybody was not a beauty then nobody was he also noticed the increasing presence of beautiful people everywhere long ago. On august 16 in his diaries one can read:« But tell me why is that everybody is so good-looking now. In the fifties there were the really good-looking people and then all the rest who weren't. Today, everybody is at least attractive. How did it happen? Is it because there is no war to kill the beauties?
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