The year of all the dangers....
The blog about the ongoing influence of Andy Warhol's philosophy in the 21 st century. From art to instant fame, sex, beauty, celebrity gossip obsession, business or fitness why we live in a Warholian world more than ever.
«One fascinating thing about Hollywood is that it's filled with these petite, fragile beauties in their seventies and eighties that you see at all the premieres and things. You can tell they were once really beautiful because they still have that glamour aura around them, and they still hold themselves together really well. But you can't figure out who they are, or what roles they had or how they live today».
They always say young people should listen to old people. I never understood it. I mean young people are better -looking. Old people should listen to young people.
«Some people think it's easier for beauties, but actually it can work out a lot of different ways. If you're beautiful you might have a pea-brain. If you're not beautiful you might not have a pea-brain, so it depends on the pea-brain and the beauty. The size of the beauty. And the pea-brain.»
"It's not the exciting place it used to be. It still has great energy; I still put my finger in the socket. But it doesn't feel alive, cracking with that synergy between the art world and music world and fashion world that was happening in the 80s. A lot of people died."
“Got to Fire island and had lunch at an outdoor spot. We decided to call Calvin's and he said to come right over. And Calvin's house is right off Ocean Walk and there's 8,000 boys around it, and a lot of girls, too, and they're all walking around wanting to be discovered for a jeans ad».
Lire le nom d'un éditeur depuis longtemps disparu dans un ouvrage datant de 1873. C'est
L'art Pop dans les années 1960 se faisait éclatant, jusque dans la série télévisée Batman. Les célèbres Pow, Wham ou Boum des scénes de combats contre les vilains trouvèrent d'ailleurs un écho fort intéressant lorsque en 1966 Roy Lichtenstein fut invité à réaliser la couverture de Batman pour le TV Guide de l'époque.
-A guy came over and said that he had the biggest cock in L.A , so I offered to sign it and Marisa got so excited she leaned over to look at the cock and her hair caught fire in the flames of a candle, it was like instant punishment.
«J'oscille entre l'athéisme, le monothéisme et le polythéisme».
People are not turning to right wing parties. They are escaping from the abyssal stupidity of the current left. Nobody on the left never heard about the «reluctant conservative» concept?
“Stop worrying. Hollywood won’t turn your daughter into a nymphomaniac or get her hooked on drugs... I will.”
En marchant aujourd'hui, j'arrive devant une porte aiors qu'un superbe jeune couple dans la vingtaine y arrive dans l'autre sens. Ils m'invitent d'un geste à passer. Je souris mais leur dit poliment: «Mais non, ce n'est pas comme cela. La jeunesse et la beauté d'abord. Les vieillards de plus de 35 ans ensuite.» Les deux éclatent de rire...et passent devant moi en me remerciant. Merci à mes parents de m' avoir appris la vraie politesse.
Obama was elected because the banks gave more money to the Democrats than to the Republicans. Bush and the Christian right were too ideological, therefore not good for the «America inc» brand worldwide.
«I have no special message. I wish I did. It would be great if I had one. I just think entertainment is the best message. So we try to be funny».
«There should be courses on beauty and love and sex. With love as the biggest course. And they should show the kids I always think how to make love and tell and show them once and for all how nothing it is. But they won't do that because love and sex are business».
«His private diary was in the first instance a way of keeping account of his expenditure. He had a complicated relationship with money. He would keep 100 dollar bill in his boots»
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