The blog about the ongoing influence of Andy Warhol's philosophy in the 21 st century. From art to instant fame, sex, beauty, celebrity gossip obsession, business or fitness why we live in a Warholian world more than ever.
An artist is someone who likes to be surrounded by «old things» but fuck only «new things».
«Si vous chassez le christianisme, vous aurez l'Islam»
Si la popularité des oeuvres d'Andy Warhol sur le marché de l'art ne se dément pas il en va de même pour ce qui entoure sa vision des choses. La raison en est bien simple: toute sa vie il n'a jamais perdu de vue les grandes questions essentielles et les seules qui comptent vraiment: l'art, le temps qui passe, la célébrité, l'argent, le sexe, l'amour, la beauté, la mort. Ce sont là assurément les éléments les plus reconnaissables chez les artistes qui ont traversé avec succès l'épreuve du temps et pour Warhol la majorité d'entre eux furent pratiquement des obsessions.
Lecture d'un livre des oeuvres d'André Masson. Cette impression de pénétrer les entrailles du mystérieux, à travers des formes de colosse aux pieds d'argile...
«One fascinating thing about Hollywood is that it's filled with these petite, fragile beauties in their seventies and eighties that you see at all the premieres and things. You can tell they were once really beautiful because they still have that glamour aura around them, and they still hold themselves together really well. But you can't figure out who they are, or what roles they had or how they live today».
«Everything is beautitful» -Andy Warhol
“When you're young and good-looking and you've got a great body, you like to go to the beach and show it all off. And it's easy to make fun of everybody there who isn't so good-looking or in such great shape".
«I am a working- class person. I am working with class».
«The height of cleverness is to be able to conceal it.»
Si les hommes étaient autre chose que des bêtes pas trop intelligentes, quel plaisir y aurait-il à baiser avec eux?
«I asked Anita how the really glamourous women went to bed with men, what did they do, and she said the only one she really knew about was somebody out in Hollywood who, when the moment would come, would kneel down on the floor and pray to God to forgive her and then he guys would get turn off and ashamed of themselves and they'd give her jewels.
«Being right half the time beats being half-right all the time. »
Both Andy and Man Ray, with whom I worked in the seventies, taught me the same thing; don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide whether it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they're deciding, make even more art.
Adidas: goyim
«And I ran into a guy who'd seen my picture in the Zoli book and offered me a job. Fred is still furious, he said I should be getting thousands for endorsing products, not working for modeling fees. But I think it's funny to be just another pretty face in the Zoli book. I told him to lighten up».
Madonna releases six new songs.
«I've never met a person I couldn't call a beauty. Every person has beauty at some point in their lifetime. Usually in different degrees. Sometimes they have the looks when they're a baby and then they don't have it when they're grown up but then they could get it back again when they're older. Or they might be fat but have a beautiful face. or have bow-legs but a beautiful body. Or be the number one female beauty and have no tits. Or be the number one male beauty and have a small you-know-what».
Every time I go to a shopping center I think: how many women & men wouldn't buy what they're buying right now if they could fuck the person of their choice for free instead.
Men are dumb. Women are hypocrites.
« He seemed one of those hopeless people that you just know nothing's ever going to happen to...Just a hopeless born loser the loneliest most friendless person I've ever seen in my life»
«It's about understanding not only the works, but the world we live in and the times we live in and being a kind of mirror of that. I think it happens really naturally and inevitably if you are honest with yourself and your times»
Amie d'Andy Warhol qu'elle avait côtoyé à plusieurs reprises, Hélène Rochas possédait également plusieurs tableaux de la star américaine du Pop art, notamment quatre portraits d'elle réalisés par l'artiste, évalués chacun entre 200 000 et 300.000 euros. L'un d'eux a été adjugé à 181.000 euros et un autre 253 000 euros. Parmi les autres pièces majeures de la collection, le Portrait de Lucien Guitry, réalisé en 1921 par Edouard Vuillard, est parti à 313 000 euros. Cette toile monumentale qui fit partie de l'exposition consacrée au peintre, au Grand-Palais, à Paris, en 2003-2004, avait été estimée entre 150 000 et 250 000 euros.
You think art is:
«Il est impossible d'isoler aujourd'hui les arts plastiques de la poésie et de la science. Les mouvements
« I don’t like sleeping with people I really love. I don’t want to sleep with them because sex cannot last, but affection can last forever.»
«One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.»
«I've only slept with men I've been married to. How many women can make that claim?»
L'argent c'est pour les problèmes d'argent. Le bonheur c'est lorsque pendant une certaine période de temps, ne survient pas de problèmes que l'argent ne peux pas résoudre.
Bob was in a grouchy mood because the doctor told him he couldn't drink anymore, and now he's
Now that all the intellectually smart & witty things comes from straight people any politician could get the gay vote by only promising a free gym membership and a pair of white underwear.
«Some people think it's easier for beauties, but actually it can work out a lot of different ways. If you're beautiful you might have a pea-brain. If you're not beautiful you might not have a pea-brain, so it depends on the pea-brain and the beauty. The size of the beauty. And the pea-brain.»
Du FBI visitant la Factory dans les années 1960 jusqu'à Nancy Reagan en couverture de Interview magazine en 1981. Un beau problème, non?
«The Marquis de Sade is a great writer and philosopher whose absence from university curricula illustrates the timidity and hypocrisy of the liberal humanities. No education in the western tradition is complete without Sade. He must be confronted, in all his ugliness. Properly read, he is funny. Satirizing Rousseau, point by point, he prefigures the theories of aggression in Darwin, Nietzsche, and Freud.»
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