The blog about the ongoing influence of Andy Warhol's philosophy in the 21 st century. From art to instant fame, sex, beauty, celebrity gossip obsession, business or fitness why we live in a Warholian world more than ever.
-Andy loved it when Victor showed up at 54 in a jockstrap or at a Halston party in a Halston dress, in both cases much to Halston's embarrassment. Victor later told me that Andy actually paid him to do these things. He said Andy would slip him some cash and tell him: »Okay, whore, go out there and do something».
It's very easy to see if someone in his 20's is smart or dumb even before you talk to him. The smart ones are narcissistic in a playful and seductive way. The dumb ones are also narcissistic but in a completely self-centered sterile way.
«I'm like the Magic Johnson of this Rap shit. I play all positions».
Love without sex is better than sex without stereotypes...
«Quel rôle joue la sexualité dans ma vie?
Great artists always know how to love. But they almost never know how to be loved.
«I never understood why people consider youth a time of freedom and joy. It's probably
Le vrai chic ce n'est pas une marque de vêtement, c'est savoir poser ses mains et ses doigts comme Lee Radziwill...
"I enjoy Life when Things are HAPPENING.
Enfin! Voilà qu'Alain Finkielkraut résume parfaitement une chose en une phrase simple qu'on ne devrait jamais oublier en toute circonstance. Ce qu'on appelle «l'islam radical n'est pas seulement l'islam radical, c'est l'Islam LITTÉRAL.» Comment peut-on encore ne pas comprendre cela?
Oct 26 2014
Fascinant que cette nouvelle vulgarité du marché de l'art se limitant à quatre ou cinq grands noms au sommet. Ça sent la bulle....
Just read something about Ron Rerelman. They called him a «leveraged buyout artist»....
So I was shot at my place of business: Andy Warhol Enterprises. At that point, in 1968, Andy Warhol Enterprises consisted of a few people who worked for me on a fairly regular basis, a lot of what you might call free-lancers who worked on specific projects, and a lot of "superstars" or "hyperstars" or whatever you can call all the people who are very talented, but whose talents are hard to define and almost impossible to market. That was the "staff" of Andy Warhol Enterprises in those days. An interviewer asked me a lot of questions about how I ran my office and I tried to explain to him that I don't really run it, it runs me. I used a lot of phrases like "bring home the bacon" so he didn't really understand what I was talking about.
IL n'y a plus de marché intermédiaire pour l'art contemporain. Ne reste que l'art trophée comme nouvel investissement anti-récession pour le 0.00000001% des plus riches. Une compréhension tacite de confrérie. «Je t'achète ton Rothko pour $40 millions cette année si tu m'achète mon Pollock à 60 millions dans 2 ans».
John's got an older girlfriend now. So does Robyn Geddes. Forty year-olds who boss them around.
«J'ai conduit les intellectuels au Forum et amené les amateurs de hockey à s'intéresser à l'art».
China's president say art must serve the people not the market.
«More often than not, things and people are as they appear».
J'aime bien Xavier Dolan disant qu'en France certaines personnes intellectualisent trop ses films en parlant par exemple d'une référence à Fassbinder, alors que Dolan lui-même avoue n'avoir vu aucun des films du réalisateur allemand. Au moins le jeu verbal de Dolan en entrevue a le charme d'être axé entièrement sur la séduction. C'est ce qui explique que la France l'aime autant. Ça change du jeu verbal à vide et exaspérant d'un Jeff Koons.
Art and literature has now been replaced by fashion and design as definition of «culture». Obviously with such emptiness the door is wide open for the growth of islam in the Western world.
Stardom: the only notion left of social mobility in the USA.
Si la popularité des oeuvres d'Andy Warhol sur le marché de l'art ne se dément pas il en va de même pour ce qui entoure sa vision des choses. La raison en est bien simple: toute sa vie il n'a jamais perdu de vue les grandes questions essentielles et les seules qui comptent vraiment: l'art, le temps qui passe, la célébrité, l'argent, le sexe, l'amour, la beauté, la mort. Ce sont là assurément les éléments les plus reconnaissables chez les artistes qui ont traversé avec succès l'épreuve du temps et pour Warhol la majorité d'entre eux furent pratiquement des obsessions.
«And then we went off to another party for the Dyke Woman of the Year. You know the dykey types-what's it called? «Outstanding Women».
“I can’t wait to get into a position to make really bad art and get away with it,’ Hirst said in 1990. “At the moment if I did certain things people would look at it, consider it and then say, F--- off. But after a while you can get away with things
«What do you want a meaning for? Life is a desire, not a meaning. »
«Everyone had a judgment about Michael Jackson, but I think Michael was a messenger and he was here to teach us. He was a really good friend of mine. When he was charged with pedophilia, he still lived his life with such dignity. Even when he was under the most horrible of times, he never lost it, he never freaked out. He just lived it out with dignity, and kindness, and talent.»
«I meet them everywhere, people who started graduate school and left it, OK? They’re in publishing, they’re in media, they’re in all kinds of jobs, because they couldn’t stand it. They wanted to study literature and art, but had every obstruction put in their paths. They not only had to read Lacan, Derrida and Foucault, who had nothing to do with literature, but they had to read critics talking about Lacan, Derrida and Foucault, none of whom are philosophically trained, okay?»
«I guess, it's kind of an inverted optimism. Because I am pessimistic, I always expect the worst. When it doesn't happen, I have a nice surprise»
In the last 30 years the college humanities departments went from publish or perish to...publish AND perish! Good job!
À La Lenny Bruce
Religious people always have more children than non religious people. And the more radical they are in their religious views, the more children they have. Get ready. The clash all over the Western World will be huge...
Le fondement de la culture entrepreneuriale, c'est l'amour.
«Andy was one of the least overtly sexual people ever. His art was longing for fame, longing for sex,
«I could earn more money if I just painted a few things and jacket up the price. My shop is an extension of what I'm doing in the subway stations, breaking down the barriers between high and low art»
«If in my youth I had realized that the sustaining splendour of beauty of with which I was in love would one day flood back into my heart, there to ignite a flame that would torture me without end, how gladly would I have put out the light in my eyes. "
Wall Street can't be reformed. A stock exchange trading floor is all about young males at their testosterone peak. Therefore at the peak of their risk taking behaviour while acting like peacocks flaunting money to attract high maintenance trophy wifes.
Tous les artistes ne créent ne que pour une seule raison. L'espoir plus ou moins avoué de ne jamais être oublié.
Works by an artist with a genuine Pop pedigree can be seen at John McWhinnie and Glenn Horowitz’s skylighted gallery-bookstore hybrid on 64th Street. The needlepoint copies of recent New York Post and Daily News front pages are by Brigid Berlin, the ’60s debutante turned Warhol superstar who continues to make Factoryesque art. Ms. Berlin’s early Polaroids and amphetamine-fueled “trip books” are also on display, as are rare books with a kitschy-sleazy, John Waters-Richard Prince aesthetic.
-Vous dites souvent qu’Yves Saint Laurent avait beaucoup de goût. Etait-il cultivé?
L'homosexualité est naturelle. Ce qui ne veux pas dire qu'elle soit normale.
“What the public wants is the image of passion, not passion itself.”
La seule femme qui affirme que les hommes ne disent jamais, mais alors là jamais, la vérité aux femmes sur leurs véritables fantasmes sexuels est Camille Paglia. Inutile de dire que c'est la seule femme qui a raison et qui voit juste.
High culture is about second name: Mozart, Picasso, Dali, Neruda. Pop culture is the opposite: Angelina, Brad, Jennifer, Britney...
«Le moteur de ma vie, c'est le désir».
Hitchcock, Titanic, gorgeous art and photography books... How about an interview of Xavier Dolan by Camille Paglia?
Got to Fire Island and had lunch at an outdoor spot. We decided to call Calvin's and he said to come right over. And Calvin's house is right off Ocean Walk and there's 8000 boys around it, and a lot of girls too, and they 're all walking around wanting to be discovered for a jeans ad
La pire chose qui puisse arriver à quelqu'un c'est de ne pas avoir trouvé une chose plus intéressante que le sexe.
The horrors and atrocities of history have been edited out of primary and secondary education except where they can be blamed on racism, sexism, and imperialism — toxins embedded in oppressive outside structures that must be smashed and remade. But the real problem resides in human nature, which religion as well as great art sees as eternally torn by a war between the forces of darkness and light.
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