The blog about the ongoing influence of Andy Warhol's philosophy in the 21 st century. From art to instant fame, sex, beauty, celebrity gossip obsession, business or fitness why we live in a Warholian world more than ever.
L'art Pop dans les années 1960 se faisait éclatant, jusque dans la série télévisée Batman. Les célèbres Pow, Wham ou Boum des scénes de combats contre les vilains trouvèrent d'ailleurs un écho fort intéressant lorsque en 1966 Roy Lichtenstein fut invité à réaliser la couverture de Batman pour le TV Guide de l'époque.
- L'école, Chanel, la mode aujourd'hui, le temps qui passe: le couturier Karl Lagerfeld s'est livré pendant deux heures mardi à Paris dans une masterclass qui a réuni des centaines d'étudiants de Sciences Po. "Je n'ai pas fait d'études. Je n'ai pas eu le temps", commence le couturier devant les étudiants de la prestigieuse école. A 16 ans, il a quitté sa famille en Allemagne pour se lancer dans la mode à Paris. "L'école, c'est bien, mais ça ne suffit pas".
Keith Haring mural in Philadelphia gets a makeover.
Madonna visit Haïti
«I believe in advertisement and media completely. My art and my personal life are based in it. The art world would probably be a tremendous reservoir for everybody involved in advertising.»
Before there were stars. Then Andy Warhol came in the 1960's and coined the term Superstar. In this new century this trend of inventing new terms and definitions have only increased. If the term Diva used to mean famous opera singers à la Maria Callas or Renata Tebalni now it's more likely to refer to a pop culture «wrestling Diva», «Las Vegas Diva» or even «Sex Diva» No wonder we now have porn superstars as well. I guess Andy would approve...
“And your own life while it's happening to you never has any atmosphere until it's a memory.”
«Pink Star» diamond sells for world record 83 million at auction.
And then it hit me. Why is Bacon suddenly the man of the hour? Because he fills a need. A need that Hirst cannot satisfy.There are some people who were never "taken in" by Hirst. They saw through him from the start. Clever them. But others among us love art, and want it to be fierce and necessary and impossible to ignore. That's why we got excited about Hirst in the 1990s, when his striking images of nature, death and imprisonment said so much more than most of today's art. I am a disillusioned fan of Hirst, a bereft former believer. And now, when I look at the art of Bacon, I feel an old passion stir. It is not too late to believe, after all. Bacon is my new art god, and for a simple reason. He is Damien Hirst – with talent. Now that Hirst is so abjectly exhausted, the stupendous Bacon looms up in his vacated vitrine.
Jeff Koons and Pharrell Williams talk about art.
So I was shot at my place of business: Andy Warhol Enterprises. At that point, in 1968, Andy Warhol Enterprises consisted of a few people who worked for me on a fairly regular basis, a lot of what you might call free-lancers who worked on specific projects, and a lot of "superstars" or "hyperstars" or whatever you can call all the people who are very talented, but whose talents are hard to define and almost impossible to market. That was the "staff" of Andy Warhol Enterprises in those days. An interviewer asked me a lot of questions about how I ran my office and I tried to explain to him that I don't really run it, it runs me. I used a lot of phrases like "bring home the bacon" so he didn't really understand what I was talking about.
Lay Gaga income for last year: 80 millions.
The British painter, Francis Bacon’s 1969 triptych entitled Three Studies of Lucian Freud, was the star attraction of the New York sale. Presented with a world record price estimate, it did not take long to reach its target, with the world’s biggest buyers clearly inspired by the importance of the work: no less than 60 telephones were mobilized during the bidding, with bids initially moving up by $5m and then $1m until the hammer fell at $127 million five minutes later. The three studies of Lucian Freud – finally reunited – were acquired by the New York gallery Acquavella on behalf of a client whose identity and nationality were not disclosed by Christie’s. This discreet buyer paid a total, including fees, of $142.405 million.
La fuite en avant de l'Occident post religieux avec l'hyper consommation et la culture qui ne se conçoit désormais que comme divertissement, c'est tout simplement la confluence de deux facteurs; la conscience que l'immortalité est inévitable d'une part. Et la conscience d'autre part qu'aucune génération présente ne sera celle qui sera la première à la connaître.
I ran into a model I fixed Paige with and gee, he's so good-looking. Paige said he was just an airhead but here is this beautiful boy with muscles and a chest and perfect teeth and from New Jersey and you could mold him into anything get him started reading or something.
I never knew what jealousy was until a few years ago. Then I met a very old gay couple who shared absolutely everything together but sex. I was so fucking jealous.
En 1987 le magazine Interview fondé en 1969 a alors un tirage de 170 000 exemplaires.
«While working on the project Feldman recalls that he and Warhol never discussed religion or being jewish»
May 1984: Basquiat shows with Mary Boone who sells his work for up to $20 000. One of his
«Une femme qui n'est pas aimée est une femme perdue. Elle peut mourir, cela n'a plus aucune espèce d'importance»
«The young always have the same problem-how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another.»
«Le fondement de l'érotisme est l'activité sexuelle. Or cette activité tombe sous le coup d'un interdit.
En 1971 Warhol avait déjà assuré sa postérité dans l'histoire culturelle populaire en créant la pochette de l'album Sticky Fingers des Rolling Stones. Dans les années 1980 Keith Haring faisait de même en créant le poster de la tournée du groupe de rap RUN DMC. Jeff Koons vient maintenant de faire de même avec sa pochette de l'album ART POP pour Lady GaGa.
«I always wonder-when people are actors and actresses and they get an Academy Award and they have to run up and get it, are they acting when they accept it?»
Keith Haring art was interesting in the 1980's. It's still interesting in 2013.
The real luxury is to never have to deal with stupid people.
«A Pop person is like a vacuum that eats up everything, he's made up from what he's seen».
Rihanna pose for Damien Hirst in GQ magazine.
«True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen.»
«This time it's a photo book by Kwong Chi detailing Haring's subway drawings called Art in Transit .
Margaret Trudeau: Andy, do you like him? As a person?
Despite its 4th position in the global ranking, the French market only represents a very small share of the world’s Contemporary art auction turnover: a little less than 2.8%, behind the United States and China standing shoulder to shoulder with 33.7% each and the United Kingdom with 21.1%.
«Laisse les mots d'amour à ceux qui n'aiment pas»
«But that bigness has two sides: In Houston, the city is so spread out that the police can't keep on top of it all, all the criminals and the con artists see all that space and think: unlimited opportunity»
La sexualité aussi est importante. Chez l'homme, 12 rapports sexuels par mois diminuent les risques de maladie cardiovasculaire, et chez la femme, ça diminue les risques de cancer du sein. À preuve, dans les couvents, il y a plus de cancers du sein que chez le reste de la population. Vous avez l'air 10 ans plus jeune quand vous avez des rapports sexuels fréquents. Et vous vivez 10 ans de plus.
Apprendre rend heureux. Pour remonter le moral des Coréens, menacés de mélancolie, les institutions les encouragent à prendre des cours. "Nos élèves ont sans doute d’excellents résultats aux évaluations internationale, mais nous avons un taux élevé de suicides : 43 personnes par jour, des personnes âgées, des femmes, des pop stars, des étudiants", explique de sa voix douce Choi Un Shil, présidente de NILE (National Institute for Lifelong Education). Cette femme courtoise est venue présenter au sommet WISE les principes d’une déconcertante politique publique axée sur le bien-être, dont son institution a la charge depuis 2007: les "villes apprenantes" (Lifelong Learning Cities ). Dans celles-ci, le gouvernement encourage le développement de cours gratuits ouverts à tous, y compris aux très vieux citoyens: méditation, yoga, histoire, physique, cuisine, histoire de l’art, massages… Les choix sont infinis : "Ma mère a travaillé comme professeur des écoles jusqu'à 80 ans. Depuis qu’elle s’est arrêtée, elle apprend l’espagnol. Elle m’explique que c’est le meilleur des traitements médicaux, poursuit-elle. Le sentiment d’apprendre, de progresser, fait fabriquer de la sérotonine, la molécule du bonheur".
Warhol disait ne pas croire que les homosexuels soient plus créatifs que les hétéros. Karl Lagerfeld affirme être pour que les enfants puissent être élevés par deux femmes, mais pas par deux hommes. Pourquoi les points de vue anti recitude politique comme ceux -là sont -ils devenus aussi rares lorsqu'il s'agit de la communauté gay?
I like the way people at auctions try to justify the price of artworks. They will say that this $140 million Picasso «is a very nice composition» or that this $100 million De Kooning «really express the soul of the artist»..What should we say for a $5000 painting? «The artist needs money fast?»
Madonna Beverly Hills home sold for 20 millions.
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