The blog about the ongoing influence of Andy Warhol's philosophy in the 21 st century. From art to instant fame, sex, beauty, celebrity gossip obsession, business or fitness why we live in a Warholian world more than ever.
The French and the Americans always have a strange love-hate relationship. Normal. For one age is something «you are» for the other, something «you have». Every misunderstanding starts from there.
Islam vs Judaism: People of one book vs people of many books.
Aujourd'hui Damien Hirst n'est plus la coqueluche du monde de l'art qu'il fut à ses débuts. Mais l'histoire nous apprend que comme tout le reste, cela ne sera que passager. De Warhol on a dit que toute sa production après les années 1960 ne présentait guère d'intérêt. Puis on a redécouvert d'abord la beauté de ses grands autoportraits sur fond noir. Ensuite ce fut ses portraits des années 1970, puis sa dernière période et ses collaborations avec Haring et Basquiat. Enfin aujourd'hui, c'est son immense production commerciale passée pour des magazines ou des pochettes d'albums que l'on redécouvre avec enthousiasme. Hirst suivra une courbe similaire. Les séries de papillons seront les premiers à être redécouverts pour leur valeur esthétique. Et comme Warhol ce sera ensuite sa création de pochettes d'albums de disque qui relança l'intérêt pour son oeuvre à l'avenir. L'association avec le monde de la musique ne ment jamais.
Dans un grand magasin aujourd'hui un vendeur «mode» s'adresse à deux femmes qui passent devant le comptoir: «un nouveau parfum élégant comme vous mesdames» Les deux femmes continuent leur chemin en rigolant. Elles auraient du répondre: «et toi tu es hétéro! »
-Are you saying that art is dead?
Why is watching any movie older than the year you were born so scary...?
“Cette semaine j'ai vu à la télévision une femme entrer et disparaître dans une machine qui émettait des radiations. C'était merveilleux parce que la matière est énergie et que cette femme s'est littéralement volatilisée. Il pourrait s‘agir d‘une invention américaine, la plus grande invention américaine, pouvoir disparaître".
Madonna made 32 millions with her MDNA tour.
If you still think that gay men are more interesting than straight men, you didn't update your facts since at least 30 years...
«Il faut surtout que le résultat soit accessible, qu'il provoque une réaction, agréable ou désagréable, mais rapidement. Mes chansons sont souvent agressives, elles ne sont pas là juste pour être belles. Pour moi, la beauté est partout. L'agressivité peut être belle. En même temps, j'ai vraiment envie d'aller vers le plus grand nombre. Ce que je fais, c'est de la pop.»
Rihanna celebrates her 25th birthday.
In May 1985, Andy Warhol was interviewed by the modernist art historian Benjamin H.D. Buchloh. Throughout the interview, Buchloh tries to situate Warhol’s work in relation to that of earlier avant-garde artists, to Duchamp, Man Ray, Matisse, Yves Klein, and Francis Picabia, among several others. Warhol eludes every such attempt on Buchloh’s part to create a modernist pedigree for his art. “No, well, I don’t know” Warhol would say or “No, well, I didn’t think that way.” When asked specifically about the artistic impact of meeting Duchamp in the 1960s, Warhol responds “No, I didn’t know him that well.” And, in a moment of terrifically unambiguous rejection, Warhol answers a question about the influence of Picabia on his drawings of the 1950s by telling Buchloh that “I didn’t even know who that person was” at the time.
«Young men wish; love, money and health. One day, they'll say; health, money and love.»
Andy Warhol: Oh, can I take some pictures of you eating pizza?
«I've only slept with men I've been married to. How many women can make that claim?»
"It's not the exciting place it used to be. It still has great energy; I still put my finger in the socket. But it doesn't feel alive, cracking with that synergy between the art world and music world and fashion world that was happening in the 80s. A lot of people died."
«And now Jean Michel has this blonde WASP girl that he's fucking. I think he hates all white women».
«People always say you should buy what you like, but actually you should buy what's valuable»
«I'm married to my dog. That's what you should do»
«French women if they're chic have the dykey look».
Every single thing lesbian feminists are fighting for, gay men are destroying it...
«Toute déclaration d'amour est une déclaration d'éternité»
«I am obsessed with beauty. I want everything to be perfect, and of course it isn't. And that's a tough place to be because you're never satisfied.»
«I think people make too much of eating, anyway. They spend too much time thinking about it. I guess
The most romantic persons are never to be found among women or gay men. They are to be found among straight guys.
«It's rare that you see an artist in his 30's or 40's able to really contribute something amazing. Of course they are some people who are innately curious, forever little kids in their awe of life, but they're rare»
«An inordinate passion for pleasure is the secret of remaining young» -Oscar Wilde
Why McDonald's doesn't have great replica of giant Claes Oldenberg burgers in its restaurants?
Ah! Le Pape! Sera intéressant de voir laquelle de ces deux priorités l'emportera lors de l'élection du prochain. Un pape noir en Afrique pour contrer la montée de l'Islam là-bas ou un Pape latino-américain pour contrer les efforts de conversion des évangélistes protestants auprès de l'immense majorité catholique de l'Amérique du Sud.
Madonna on Instagram.
Discutant de l'amour Alain Finkielkraut avait un jour cette formule d'une grande justesse: l'amour
In 1958 the Museum of Modern Art declined the donation of a «Shoe» drawing. Warhol had yet to attain the notoriety of, say, Jackson Pollock or Robert Rauschenberg. But today the pre-Pop works-the drawings of cats, fairies and gold shoes, for example-are among the most difficult to find items.
A post gay kitsch esthetic of artist Pierre & Gilles repackaged for rich straight hedge funds manager desperate to appear «cool» .
«You know, let's put it this way, if all the people in Hollywood who have had plastic surgery, if they went on vacation, there wouldn't be a person left in town.»
There are a lot of differences between the various generations of queers, like how the older ones grew up reading Cosmo while the newer ones only bother with serious financial digests and video games. But I feel the main contrast lies in underlying attitudes towards sex. Old queens grew up with very little gay visibility in the media and a heightened sense of gayness being something taboo and even (in society's eyes) sinful and downright sick. They came of age feeling that gay was something to hide or to "get over," and often felt more attracted to anonymous, shame-based sex than to open, long-term connections.Those hoary attitudes still pop up, but mainly the younger gays have grown up with queer iconography everywhere they turn and with gay marriage seeming to become an eventual reality as society progresses. They have healthier views about sex and seem unencumbered by the urgency to hide and slink around in dark alleys. In fact, they generally want long-term relationships more than their predecessors did (though they'll gladly spice up those relationships with shameless online hookups, albeit often with their partner's permission--or even inclusion
Madonna selling her Beverly Hills home for 22.5 millions.
«But I'm a Catholic. Being catholic is just being honest and serious and nice. Isn't everybody?»
Beautiful, smart young and rich people always want to be in love. Fat, old, ugly, boring, and stupid people always say they don't believe in love. I wonder why....
«Candy herself reffered to his penis as «my flaw». There was always the question of what to call the drags-«him» or «her» or a little bit of both. You usually just did it intuitively. Jackie I always called «him» since I've known him before he went into drag, and Candy Darling and Holly Woodlawn were «her» because they were already in it when I met up with them»
COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE: Do you think any girl are out of your league?
Never fuck anyone over 30 if they don't have books at home. It won't worth it.
«When I was young, I thought that money was the most important thing in life: now that I'm old, I know it is»
Le marché se mondialise au sommet dit-on. Certes, mais là n'est pas la vraie question. Qui lancera les artistes de 2030 ou 2050? Le goût des collectionneurs Indiens, chinois et arabes ou celui des collectionneurs juifs tels que Broad, Lauder, Cohen, Mughrabi ou Saatchi aujourd'hui ? Là est la seule vraie question qui compte en ce qui a trait aux contours du futur marché de l'art.
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