The blog about the ongoing influence of Andy Warhol's philosophy in the 21 st century. From art to instant fame, sex, beauty, celebrity gossip obsession, business or fitness why we live in a Warholian world more than ever.
Jean Cocteau had Le Boeuf sur le Toit, Toulouse-Lautrec le Moulin Rouge, Warhol the Studio 54 and Haring the Paradise Garage? And Damien? ....
«We wanted everyone to know about it, but we didn't care that much. It was for each other. We were our only audience»
«I could earn more money if I just painted a few things and jacket up the price. My shop is an extension of what I'm doing in the subway stations, breaking down the barriers between high and low art»
Lors d'une entrevue dans les années 1980, Warhol disait qu'étant donné qu'il y avait tellement de bons artistes à New York, la seule façon de réussir était de faire et de vouloir ce dont les autres ne voulaient pas. Ça me rappelle quand ces pionniers du Hip Hop version old school, le groupe De La Soul, disaient qu'ils n'étaient alors pas si originaux que cela, mais que le fait qu'ils se démarquaient était tout simplement parce que tous les autres faisaient la même chose.
Had to go to see the Keith Haring closing. Went all the way down there to see what people are doing and I got jealous. Bought Keith memorabilia and posters from the show. This is at the Disco annex of the Tony Shafrazi Gallery. Ran into people and it was weird. This Keith thing reminded me of the old days when I was up-there
-Do you box?
Blue chip art cost more and more now because new rich are so happy to be able to be considered chic without having to read litterature and philosophy anymore.
Got home and I turned on the Letterman show and there was-Malcolm Forbes talking about everything. And I thought, Gee, what a great name for a magazine, Forbes. They just named it their name. And I started thinking about a magazine called Warhol (laughs) No no, I don't love my name so much. I always wanted to change it. When I was little I was going to take «Morningstar», Andy Morningstar. I thought it was so beautiful.
Even though Andy wished everyone could be a beauty, including himself, I think he was afraid to get too close to the real thing. He didn't want his heart broken, he didn't want to lose the upper hand. Jed was the exception, the only silent beauty in Andy's inner circle. The rest of us, to one degree or other, were what Andy called «talkers» people who made their way in life on the strenght of their personalities instead of their looks.
-Que pensez vous de l'argent Monsieur Dali?
If your favorite thing in life is not learning, you don't have what it takes to be an artist....
Supposez que vous avez 20 ans et que, en ce moment, vous ne puissiez acheter l'objet que vous voulez. Dans 50 ans vous aurez surement acheté cet objet. Posez vous ensuite la question suivante: aimeriez vous mieux à ce moment-là avoir toujours 20 ans sans cet objet ou 70 ans et le posseder? Puis seconde question: aimeriez vous mieux avoir 70 ans avec l'objet ou sans ce dernier? La valeur et l'importance devant être accordée à l'objet en question est ce qui est à mi-chemin de ces deux réponses....
Ophra: What do you think Madonna the icon represents to the word?
Alain Finkielkraut talking about identity: goyim
«What does it shock people that Ugly Guys might actually be nastier that their pretty conterparts? People tend to be end-products of their life experiences. Ergo, it stands to reason that if a handsome man treats you badly, it's probably not personal-he's just a spoiled, thoughtless jerk. By contrast, if a Ugly Guy treats you badly, it's usually very personal, and definitely because he's ugly.
C'est une oeuvre de Serge Lemoyne que le gardien de but des Canadiens de Montréal Carey Price devrait arborer sur son casque...
«Can't you get me in those great jean ads, jumping up and down with a bunch of other cute guys?»
Après son coma des années 1990, Interview magazine s'est finalement réveillé depuis 2008-2009 et est redevenu un magazine fun et intéressant. Pendant ce temps je jetais hier un coup d'oeil au nouveau magazine de monde HUNGER, et il me tombait littéralement des mains tellement mon ennui était profond. Un magazine consacré à la seule mode et au design est nul. Et ce depuis déja au moins 10 ans déja...
«I wonder if anybody ever achieves an attitude where nothing and nobody , can intimidate them. I thought, «Does the president of the united States ever feel out of place? Does Liz Taylor? Did Picasso? Does the Queen of England? Or do they always feel equal to anyone and anything?»
Fifty year old straight men don't want a fifty year old women with botox. They want a 22 year old bimbo with expression lines...
Abstract expressionism: straight
-What is the hardest kind of work?
«Things go well when you really want them to go well. You have to make efforts towards that. Happiness is a question of order and discipline»
Between 1978 and 1980 Warhol produced his own television programme and put it on cable television. Following closely the format of Interview magazine, Andy Warhol's TV was a weekly half-hour show consisting of conversations between, for exemple, Henry Geldzahler and Diana Vreeland, fashion shows, and informal at -home visits with up-and-coming rock stars like Debbie Harry of Blondie. With his art director's eye, Andy made sure it was always visually appealing, going back in a sense to the concept of his earliest films, painting on the television screen. It was, like so many things he essayed outside of painting, well done, but just a bit ahead of its time.
«People are afraid of being pop, but it's not easy to be simple»
I asked Anita how the really glamorous women went to bed with men, what did they do, and she said the only one she really knew about was somebody out in Hollywood who, when the moment would come, would kneel down on the floor and pray to God to forgive her and then the guys would get turned off and ashamed of themselves and they'd give her jewels
Can you please get rid of those incredibly bad and boring album cover photos! How about something à la Claes Oldenberg for the next album?
«On naît acteur xxx, on ne le devient pas»
Lindsay Lohan in talks to play Elizabeth Taylor
"We've sat in hotel lobbies all over New York and all over the world, and it's always nice," I said. The lobbies are always the best-looking place in the hotel—you wish you could bring out a cot and sleep in them. Compared to the lobby, your room always looks like a closet.
Stopped at Sotheby's. Looked at my paintings. Somebody put one of my Ticket to Studio 54 paintings up for auction and somebody's going to make $5 or $7000, that's the estimate on it
«I really like Warhol's spirit. He's neither a painter nor a filmmaker. He's a filmer»
I'm confused about who the news belongs to. I always have it in my head that if your name's in the news, then the news should be paying you. Because it's your news and they're taking it and selling it as their product. But then they always say that they're helping you, and that's true too, but still, if people didn't give the news their news, and if everybody kept their news to themselves, the news wouldn't have any news. So I guess you should pay each other. But I haven't figured it out fully yet.
People magazine editor Richard Stolley had some famous rules about what covers sell best: young is better than old, pretty is better than ugly, movies are better than music, music is better than TV and anything is better than politics. The interview twist: Only young, only pretty, movies are best , but music , fashion and society are also good, and anything, even politics is better than TV. The one TV star we put on the cover, in the seventies, Shaun Cassidy, bombed»
«Few peope have seen my films or paintings, but perhaps those few will become more aware of living by being made to think about themselves. People need to be made more aware of the need to work at learning how to live because life is so quick and sometimes it goes away too quickly»
«And if unemployment is so bad that we can't afford the new people coming in, then why are all the maids Spanish, and how come there,s a new Korean greegrocer opening in New York every month, and why do the Mexicans keep risking their lives and being thrown in jail to cross the border and get work in the US? I guess it's part of every country that if you're proud of where you live and think it's special, then you want to be special for living there, and you want to prove you're special by comparing yourself with other people»
«J'aime la séduction, je travaille dans la séduction, mais j'ignore si c'est du cynisme ou non. Je ne pense pas que vendre, et bien vendre soit être cynique. Je n'ai jamais fait une oeuvre qui proclamait: «Pauvres cons, vous voulez ça, vous l'avez»
In the 60s everybody got interested in everybody.
So many people wondering why Anne Sinclair stayed with her husband Dominique Strauss Kahn...People never heard of the expression «jewish power couple» before? Only a poor and dumb gentile woman would divorce for that....
Damien Hirst shark: goyim
A small note on the posters for David Hockney's forthcoming exhibition at the Royal Academy contains a sly dig at another superstar artist about to launch a major exhibition. The note reads: "All the works here were made by the artist himself, personally."In an interview with the Radio Times, Hockney confirmed that he had in mind Damien Hirst, whose £50m diamond and platinum skull will be the centrepiece of a Tate Modern exhibition in April, the first solo show of his work in a UK museum. Hockney, who at 74 is creating enormous landscape paintings based on the fields and woods of his native Yorkshire, agreed that he had Hirst in his sights, adding a criticism of art schools."It's a little insulting to craftsmen," he said. "I used to point out, at art school you can teach the craft; it's the poetry you can't teach. But now they try to teach the poetry and not the craft." He quoted a Chinese proverb that to be a painter "you need the eye, the hand and the heart. Two won't do.""The other great thing they said – I told this to Lucian Freud – is, 'painting is an old man's art'. I like that."
«A sign of growing old is when interviewers start asking you,What would you do differently if you had your life to live over again? I give some sort of answer because I dont wish to be rude, but I dont tell them the image that comes into my mind because they would think it vain and frivolous, and no one wants to be a subject for ridicule. I see myself as a tall, skinny Fellini, vigorously lifting weights. Thats what I would do differently. I would lift weights.»
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