Saturday, October 03, 2009


In 2003, I wrote a book called Pigs at the Trough detailing the corporate greed and malfeasance that brought us the financial scandals at Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, Global Crossing, and many others. Rereading it in the midst of the current crisis, I was stunned to see the direct line connecting the outrages of 2003 to the predicament we are facing today, and how they set the stage -- and opened the door -- for the much larger, more sophisticated, and much more dangerous excesses that drove the housing and financial collapse of the past year.So when I was asked by my publisher to release an updated and expanded version of Pigs, I was delighted to do so. It comes out today.Of course, when I originally wrote Pigs, I didn't know that in just six years America would find itself in the midst of a slew of fresh corporate outrages that would lead to a worldwide economic meltdown. But I can't say that I was surprised. The reason is simple: the system that allowed the scandals at Enron, Tyco, Global Crossing, et al. was never really reformed.

-Arianna Huffington
July 28 2009


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