Friday, January 25, 2008


Portfolio magazine estimates the annual value of Britney Spears to the U.S. economy is 110- to 120-million dollars -- not including when she's touring. Portfolio estimates record companies, promoters and licensers make 30- to 40-million dollars because of endorsements, record sales and other business.

Meanwhile the paparazzi are estimated to make 4 million dollars from selling photos of Spears. Celebrity tabloids, web traffic and various media make about 75 million dollars off her in one year.

Of course that kind of question was a fascinating one for Warhol himself. In his philosophy book he noted already:«I'm confused about who the news belongs to. I always have in my head that if you're name is in the news the the news should be paying you. Because it's your news and they're taking and they're selling it as their product. But then they always say that they're helping you, and that's true too, but still, if people didn't give the news their news , and if everybody kept their news to themselves the news wouldn't have any news.So I guess you should pay each other. But I haven't figured it out fully yet».


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