Saturday, December 01, 2007


«The first Warhol film I saw was Trash. It was playing at the Guild theater in Portland-this would have been around 1970. There was this guy outside waiting to go in-30-ish-ex junkie, gay and he was checking us out. He said: «You come to these films a lot? And we were going «No, no we don't». It was like something in a Warhol movie. If the film itself had an influene on me, it was probably because it showed you something you didn't see in other movies. Even in the 1950's when he was drawing Warhol showed you stuff you weren't supposed to draw: Cocteau like-penis drawings, pictures of sailors. I guess Kenneth Anger was the pinnacle of underground film at that time and he had similar imagery».

-Gus van Sant


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