Sunday, November 30, 2014


«Steve Rubell who co-owned Studio 54 , went down to the basement one dawn after he'd thought
everyone had left and found a Eurotrash princess handcuffed to an overhead pipe.  She had been taken down there by her own request,  handcuffed, fucked by one of the cocktail waiters-half naked, they ran around in what looked like diapers- who then thought My God I've got to go back to the bar! and forgot about the handcuffs. I can't be sure about the princess's reaction to her night, but a kind of laissez-faire attitude prevailed about Studio 54. As one of the regulars said: «We knew we were having the time of our lives; we were loving it. We knew it was an extraordinary time, and we knew it wouldn't last».

George Plimpton
The Advocate
July 21 1998 p.9


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