Sunday, April 15, 2012


«In this heady milieu, painters and sculptors, the Andy Warhol crowd among them, rubbed shoulders with drag queens or punk stars like Malcom Mc Laren or with The Ramones and The New York Dolls, while Truman Capote might be found swapping anectodes with Freddy Mercury of Queen, or David Byrne of the Talking Heads. «It was a very special time that has not been duplicated since» recalls Vito Bruno, manager of the Roxy. «We were all very much anti-Studio 54. They were elitist, while we believed that it was what's in your bones rather than what's on your bones that gave you entry: kids with sparkle, rubbing shoulders with Warhol and Mick Jagger»

Andrew Norton
Madonna p.92


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