Monday, July 04, 2011


«The general condamnation of homosexual relationship originated in Jewish history in about the Seventh Century b.c as a part of the extensive anti-sexualism that permeated Judaism after the Babylonian exile. Kinsey comments,: Both mouth-genital contacts and homosexual activites had previously been associated with the Jewish religious service, as they had been with the religions of most of the other people of that part of Asia, and just as they have been in many other cultures elsewhere in the world. In the wave of nationalism which was then developing among the jewish people, there was an attempt to dissidentify themselves with their neighbors by breaking with many of the custuoms which they had previously shared with them. Many of the Talmudic condemnations were based on the fact that such activites represented the way of the Canaanite, the way of the Chaldean, the way of the Pagan, and they were originally condemned as a form of idolatry rather than a sexual crime. Throughout the Middle Ages homosexuality was associated with heresy. The reform in the custom (the mores) soon, however became a matter of morals, and finally a question for action under criminal law»

-Hugh Hefner
The Playboy philosophy
April 1964 p.178


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