What is it about hot girls and douchebags that just doesn’t make any sense? We’ve all seen it, yet it still amazes most people that nice guys finish last and the jerk gets the girl. Here, we’ll attempt to explain this phenomenon.
They want an easy out: If you’re dating a jerk, no one is going to think you’re crazy for wanting to dump him once you’re tired of him.
They weren’t douchebags to begin with: Some douchebags are created once they start dating a hottie and think they can get away with it.
Douchebags are more passionate: Some girls date jerks because "safe" guys are more mild.
Douchebags are fun to complain about: We’ve all met her-the girl who loves drama. And dating a douchebag is sure to bring attention-inducing drama.
They don’t know what they want: Some girls date jerks because they just don’t know what they’re looking for.
Affection from a douchebag means more: If a guy is a total jerk 90% of the time, the 10% that he’s nice means a lot more, which will keep girls hanging on.
They have low expectations: Hot girls know that the majority of guys out there are douchebags, so until they’re ready to settle down, they are happy to play around with jerks for a while.
They’re on the rebound: A girl on the rebound is often looking for a man who is shallow and offers low maintenance attention, which douchebags are happy to deliver on.
Douchebags are more attractive: The douchebags who are attractive know they’re attractive, and realize that they can get away with being a jerk.
Women like mystery: Douchebags, with their spotty affection, offer a certain degree of mystery that girls love.
They’re douchebags, too: Girls can be douchebags, too, and douchebag girls tend to like douchebag guys.
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