Saturday, November 22, 2008


About 200,000 video shorts are added to YouTube each day and based on my painstaking hour of research I'm certain most of it is absolute crap.Millions of webcams in teenagers' bedroom all over the world are being used to create video, mainly of the teens themselves talking about themselves and broadcasting it to the planet. I'm also certain that their parents are not aware of this.The boys act like worthless rock stars, gangsters or jump their BMX bikes over their friends. Teen girls by the hundreds are posting videos of themselves kissing their female classmates, essentially setting fire to their political careers before they even graduate from high school. On YouTube everyone is famous, just as Andy Warhol predicted, and they are burning through their 15 minutes without much thought about the consequences of putting themselves out there on a medium that is both permanent (that's forever, kids) and universally available.

Vancouver Sun
Nov 22 2008


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