Friday, August 15, 2008


“The reason why America has been the most dominant country in the world is not because America has more nuclear arms than anybody else,” Spike Lee told the Global Brand Forum, an international business conference, in Singapore.“Has anyone seen exactly where a nuclear arm influenced how other people dress, the way they talk, the way they think? America is dominating the world because of culture — movies, television, Levi’s (jeans), Coca-Cola, Disney, rock and roll, hip-hop,” he said.

“Many countries in the world are powerful, with lots of weapons and manpower, and an impeccable economy. But I would not call that power. Power is when you influence how people think, how they dress, how they talk” The African-American director, known for his films dealing with social and political issues, said US influence is so pervasive, notably through films, that it has shaped global public opinion.


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