Thursday, December 13, 2007


Dec 15 2007

Gee, they say that with the writer's strike everything in january will be reality TV shows. Some german journalist called me yesterday. He want to do an interview with me about that. He says my movies in the sixties were the first exemples of reality TV. I don't know. I guess I just didn't put enough twenty -two year old cruising and fucking each other on screen back then. They have a really great reality show in Germany now though. They make little films about the life of people who die without anybody knowing them. It's like when I made my suicide painting in 1962 so that anonymous guy jumping could be remembered for a moment. Watch some porn at home and there was this girl who kept her big Channel glasses all the time while she bouced up & down the guy's dick. Did they paid her more for that? Some kid told me that now porn and luxury products are like product placement in movies 30 years ago. Like when the producers of E.T refused to have Reese chocolate pieces featured for free in the movie and now companies are paying like millions to have their products in films. That's great.


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